Type alias InitMarketMakerAccountTransactionArgs

InitMarketMakerAccountTransactionArgs: { dflow: Program<any>; encryptionPubKey: Uint8Array; marketMakerAccountOwner: PublicKey; marketMakerDataAccount: PublicKey; maxOrdersSupported: BN }


The public key of the market_maker_account_owner account.


The maximum number of orders supported in the market maker's queue of orders


The market maker's 256-bit X25519 public key which will be used by retail traders to encrypt their order details


The account storing state specific to the market maker. This account must be owned by the DFlow program, and this account must be initialized by calling the initialize market maker instruction. This account is expected to be zeroed out upon the start of instruction processing

Type declaration

  • dflow: Program<any>
  • encryptionPubKey: Uint8Array
  • marketMakerAccountOwner: PublicKey
  • marketMakerDataAccount: PublicKey
  • maxOrdersSupported: BN

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