Type alias InitBidRecordAccountTransactionArgs

InitBidRecordAccountTransactionArgs: { auctionEpoch: BN; auctionId: BN; dflow: Program<any>; marketMakerAccountOwner: PublicKey; marketMakerDataAccount: PublicKey }


An unsigned 64 bit integer. The auction ID used as a seed to generate the program derived address


An unsigned 64 bit integer. The integer epoch used to generate the PDA of the auction epoch account


The public key of the market_maker_data_account account.


The public key of the market_maker_account_owner account.

Type declaration

  • auctionEpoch: BN
  • auctionId: BN
  • dflow: Program<any>
  • marketMakerAccountOwner: PublicKey
  • marketMakerDataAccount: PublicKey

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